Thriving, Not Surviving, as an Entrepreneur

Thriving, Not Surviving, as an Entrepreneur

guest blog by Michael Stephenson of

Entrepreneurs are an extraordinary breed. They are driven and innovative and forge ahead despite overwhelming odds against them. We hear about and celebrate headliner entrepreneurial success stories, but in reality, there are more failures than successes. Both outcomes take a mental health toll, from self-inflicted debt to the strain on family. Long hours and self-induced pressure also exact a physical toll.

Despite these pressures, most entrepreneurs present a façade of well-being, from both business and personal perspectives. Like most facades, however, they will inevitably crumble; even if things turn for the better, entrepreneurs often experience residual effects similar to post-traumatic stress disorder, which often drives them to work even harder to continue to avoid disaster.

Prioritizing self-care can lead you to entrepreneurial success, increasing the chances that you’ll not just survive the entrepreneurial experience but will thrive during the journey. Explore the self-care tips outlined below, courtesy of Never Stay Stagnant.

Endorphin emancipation

Endorphins are our “pleasure peptides.” During certain activities, our central nervous system and pituitary gland produce and then secrete endorphins. The result? We experience an increased feeling of pleasure, a natural “high.”

It makes sense that the more we can do to release endorphins, the more we can proactively stave off many of the common maladies that entrepreneurs often experience. Give yourself permission to get a massage, eat chocolate, or have a glass of wine with dinner.

Smile more often

Running your own business can make you stressed and anxious, but you can alleviate that stress by smiling more frequently. Not only can smiling boost your mood, but research also indicates that it has health benefits like reduced blood pressure, strengthened immunity, and pain relief.


Activate the body and mind

Physical activity isn’t just good for your physical well-being, it’s also good for your mind. Not only is it another method to release endorphins, but it also improves your mental health and helps you combat stress. It also sharpens your thinking skills, a useful advantage when you’re thinking on your feet at that investor presentation or sales pitch.

Time is a premium commodity for entrepreneurs, but fortunately, you have a banquet of home gym equipment and streaming exercise programs you can integrate into your home-based exercise routine. If those options don’t fit a squeezed budget, combine the benefits of exercise with being outdoors for a brisk walk, even if just for five minutes, or treating your dog – and you – to a frisbee game in the backyard.

Stop trying to do it all

Outsourcing certain business tasks, such as accounting, customer service, human resources, and some administrative duties, can help you keep costs under control – which not only makes you look good on paper to bankers, investors and analysts but helps reduce your financial stressors. For example, if you’re looking to restructure your business, check into business formation services like Zenbusiness to register as a new entity, secure a registered agent and even get help creating an operating agreement.

Simply living or simply surviving?

Entrepreneurship is a passion, and passions should fuel your zest for life, not extinguish it. The relationship you nourish with your family, and with yourself, will only enhance your entrepreneurial experience, if not outlive it. Keep that thought in mind as you aim to balance your business responsibilities with the responsibility you have to take care of yourself.

Kick your self-care goals up a notch and invest in a daily journal to help track your habits and your progress. Check out the shop at Never Stay Stagnant today!

Photo by Unsplash


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