What is Your Rule to Life?

What is Your Rule to Life?

Our rules to life are straightforward--there are three. 

1. Never Stay Stagnant. Keep improving in everything you touch. Continuously change to constantly be a better version of yourself.
2. Be happy. You only have so much time on this planet, so be happy and learn to roll with the punches, knockouts, or disruptions.
3. STOP LIVING YOUR LIFE TO SOMEONE ELSE'S STANDARDS. Create your own dream life and reach it.


While we love to imagine a world where people are always trying to improve and care about others by lifting them to be their best selves, we can't expect others to live in such a productive style. Everyone can live to their own rules, but many people are lost or still trying to find the path that they should be following. As a company, we want to help individuals on the search to live a better life by providing them with inspiration and tools. Our first journal, Make Yourself Proud (shameless plug), is packed with inspiration, from the daily quotes to motivation through various prompts to enable you to think about your everyday habits and actions more. We don't want to tell you how to live or what to do each day, but we hope something ignites within you, and you begin to live the life you always wanted. While you may have different rules that help you to live your dream life, here's a breakdown of our rules:

   1. Never Stay Stagnant. Keep improving in everything you touch. Continuously change to constantly be a better version of yourself.

Never stay stagnant means to continually work to have a better life and become a better version of yourself each day. If you are not better than you were yesterday, then are you living your true potential? Don't get stuck in an environment or world where you are the most impressive person. If you cannot write down something you have learned or changed that day, then you are settling to be average. Average people stay the same each day; they remain in the same job, city, or unproductive relationship. Reach your fullest potential by imagining who you want to be and fearlessly run towards that person. 

  2. Be happy. You only have so much time on this planet, so be happy and learn to roll with the punches, knockouts or disruptions.

Your attitude dramatically changes situations. Being happy makes difficult or unideal situations easier to digest and navigate. Why spend your time here unhappy or in a bad mood? You never know when it could be the last moment with a person or in the opportunity you were fortunate to be in-- don't waste it. As my great-grandmother used to say, "This has come to pass not to stay." Nothing is permanent if you have a passion for changing it. Don't let your situation or hardship be the end all be all. You are not a tree and stuck; you can change your environment. You are in the fight for the best version of your life--live like it. Don't let a failed idea or not getting your dream job on the first try knock you out. You are stronger than you think and need to work for it. Nothing worth something is handed to you. Be so relentless and determined that small bumps feel like a learning opportunity rather than a mountain to climb over  

  3. STOP LIVING YOUR LIFE TO SOMEONE ELSE'S STANDARDS. Create your own dream life and reach it.

The social world we live in has conditioned us to care about how many likes, views, or subscribers/ followers we have compared to others. This type of thinking is terrible for any person. If you live to impress others, you are never going to live for yourself and what you want to achieve. Stop living your life based on someone else's standards and level of success. How does your dream life look? What does it mean to you to be successful? Are you taking any steps to be your version of success? Don't try to be someone else; they are already taken. How are you going to make your impact? If you decide to do it the same way that someone else is already, you will be adding to their success rather than standing out on your own. Don't be a follower--stand out and be heard. Nothing significant came out of followers and people trying to be likable to everyone else. Who cares if you get one like on that picture--if it is authentically you, then own it and embrace it. Small steps lead to amazing things. Work hard to be in your dream life--it is possible. 


You can watch and read all the listicles that tell you "how to be the next millionaire" or "10 steps to get your dream job" but those will never work if you don't work. What is your rule to life? How do you determine if you are successful or living to your fullest potential? What are your guardrails in reaching your ultimate goals? Figure them out and let me run your life to your wildest dreams. 

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